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Royal Heritage Liqueur

There’s a popular story that is now recounted among sommeliers of heritage brews in India. In the 13th century, Rana Hammir Chauhan of Ranthambhore found himself wanting in the bedroom, thanks to his 11 wives. A saint came to his rescue, giving him the recipe for a concoction that would endow him with the vitality of a hundred steeds. The recipe for the grand aphrodisiac is still safe with the Mahansar royal family: a royal secret.  Man Singh of Kanota’s royal family claims that their wildly popular heritage brew— Chandra Haas — It has miraculous properties too. the blend, concocted for the first time in 1863 by their jagirdars, features close to 80 herbs, including saffron, rose, white sandalwood, safed musli (indian spider plant), nutmeg and anise. Man Singh compares its revitalising and disease-combating powers to the asura-vanquishing blade of vishnu’s khadag. “Iss mein sabhi rogon ko kaatne ki kshamta hai... [it’s capable of curing all ailments.] The recipe clearly mentions that