
Showing posts from June 7, 2021
DEMAND FOR PAN BIHARI IDENTITY IN 1868                               T he demand for the creation of a separate state, carved out from Bengal Presidency, started for the first time in 1868. With education making a slow start.the angst at being discriminated against by the British in blatant favour of Bengalis gave way to open discontent. Division of Bihar was made during the time of British regime and remained a part of the Bengal Presidency till 1912. The mutiny had brought about certain stringent administrative measures. Like other parts of India, the liberals and the loyalists of the latter half of the 19th Century Bihar fought their ends through constitutional means. The call 'Bihar for Biharis'  wrote openly that capable Biharis should be appointethe government, whichshould have a two-pronged strategy, that of strengthening the education department here and giving required fillip to dialects and languages native to Bihar The first paper to come out in Bihar proper was

Henry M. Elliot views on Bhumihars by John Beams

                            HENRY ELLIOT " NWP RACES MEMOIRS " BY JOHN BEAMS                                                 Source: