
Bhumihars in indian mythology

  T he Brahman occupies the highest rank among Hindus for at least three The first is his assumed sanctity. By the people generally he is regarded as a pure, stainless, twice-born being, divine as well as human, worthy of unbounded admiration and worship. He is the priest of the Hindu religion, directing the ceremonies performed at the temples, sacred wells, sacred tanks, sacred rivers, and at all other hallowed places throughout the land. He is present to sanction, and give effect to, the great social festivals of his countrymen, held at marriages, at births of sons, and at deaths. He casts the horoscope, tells the lucky days, gives spiritual counsel, whispers mantras or mysterious words, exe cutes magical incantations and charms, and is at once household god, family priest, and general preceptor and guide, in behalf of the many millions of Hindus residing in the vast country lying between the Himalayas and Cape Comorin. The second reason  - of the Brahman's superiority is, that

Connaught Place

Connaught Place (officially known as Rajiv Chowk) is one of the main financial, commercial and business centres in New Delhi, India. It is often abbreviat-ed as CP ,RC & houses the headquarters of several noted Indian firms and is a major shopping, nightlife and tourist destination in New Delhi. It was designed by Robert Tor Russell. As of July 2018, Rajiv Chowk was the  9th most expensive office location in the world with an annual rent of $1,650 per square metre ($153/sq ft).Many of you would be already familiar with CP, which is also a fine example of Georgian architecture situated at the center of the capital city of India, New Delhi. But, there are definitely a few things you probably never knew about Connaught Place. Architect Robert Tor Russell designed Connaught Place which was named after the Duke of Connaught . The construction went on for about 4 years from 1929 to 1933. It was made to serve the elite living in Delhi, especially in areas designed by the architect Edwi

H.H Risely views on Brahmin-Bhumihar

BHUMIHAR'S earlier known as BHABANS  

Views of "M.A. Sherring" about Brahmin-Bhumihar

  Source :

Henry M. Elliot views on Bhumihars by John Beams

                            HENRY ELLIOT " NWP RACES MEMOIRS " BY JOHN BEAMS                                                 Source:                                         

Pt. Yogendra Bhattacharya views about Brahmin-Bhumihars in his book " caste and sects of India"
